Mosaic Mounting Tape 6 inches x 108 feet is a transparent adhesive film used for face-mounting mosaic tile designs for rapid installation. This clear adhesive film bonds strongly enough to mosaic tile for the sheets to be handled and transported (including shipping), but it releases cleanly without residue. It is also water resistant. Note that the roll is 6 inches wide, but it can be used for 12-inch sheets and larger sheets merely by using multiple strips slightly overlapped. The tape is fully transparent so that patterns divided between multiple sheets can be aligned and grout joints matched. The tape comes in a continuous roll 108 feet long. Mosaic Mounting Tape 6 Inches transparent adhesive film in a roll 6 inches x 108 feet can be overlapped slightly for added width total area equivalent: 54 square feet water resistant adhesive adhesive releases cleanly from all tile materials tested with no sticky residue.